Jackky Bhagnani's Jjust Live is all set to take the global entertainment stage by storm. This event marks the debut of an Indian entertainment company in Qatar, perfectly timed to coincide with the electrifying F1 weekend in Doha. Scheduled for October 6 at the QNCC in Doha, it promises an unforgettable experience for fans and enthusiasts alike. Entertainer No. 1 in Qatar is poised to deliver a dazzling lineup of star-studded performances, featuring some of India's most renowned names from Bollywood. The roster includes Varun Dhawan, Tiger Shroff, Shahid Kapoor, Rakul Preet Singh, Jacqueline Fernandez, Kiara Advani, comedian Bharti Singh and the visionary himself, Jackky Bhagnani. Amplifying the grandeur of the event, attendees will be treated to a heart-pounding musical performance by the reigning monarch of melodies, King. The F1 weekend in Qatar will be transformed into a colossal celebration of entertainment and culture, fusing India's vibrant talent with Qatar's ...